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tv   Analysis of 2012 Election  CSPAN  November 11, 2012 3:24pm-3:50pm EST

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record. you had to go at that record. they went at it and he did not respond. they did respond, there's a lot more else going on. if >> to go back to the 2004 analogy, the swift boat veterans for truth really eroded kerry's appeal and he never responded. the obama campaign borrowed a page from that undermining romney's business credentials. at that the strategy was smart at the time but the first debate it was almost too easy for him to look reasonable and he just shed that hold caricature.
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for a few weeks there, it really did it tumbled the race. that was the one real opening he had. >> i already talked about campaign 101 and it was never clear -- why romney and not obama? in terms of meeting to talk to people looking back to 2004 and president bush talking to hispanics, when our party talks to hispanics, it works. martinez, rubio, lots of examples. one person i have to say i have a bias towards is bobby jindal. he can articulate to conservatives and he has put
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them in practice, by partisanship, getting a thing is done. i do think there's a great future and a lot of real leaders in the republican party who can articulate conservative policies. >> we have a terrific second panel coming up in a few minutes. i do see some of our speakers here, but i want to ask if there were any standouts for you in terms of personalities or players in this race. i was very struck that cnn really found its groove with john mccain on the message board and you could find the information you were looking for. i was really struck by margaret hoover, a political columnist who is so beautiful that people think she's not going to be smart and every time she speaks
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you think, "while coming is she's smart -- "wow, is she smart?" what are some institutions that really blew away? >> i would say, going back to mine original theory, sasha eisenberg and his book, "the victory allowed-- lap." hot he said it was going to come down to turnout and techniques, so i give him a lot of credit. >> is maybe a little controversial, but late silver's, the year of the polls. he nailed it. -- nate silvers nailed it. is going to be a player. he could be a republican supreme court nominee if not a candidate
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for president. >> tell us more about cruz. >> is the third of former supreme court clerks to be serving in the senate along with blumenthal and lee. he is one of the smartest politicians lie have never covered and he is one of the best debaters i have never seen. you can tell it was a champion debater at princeton. he's very conservative. he is parts irish, italian, and cuban. he is the first hispanic senator exas.taxes -- from taxe he can speak to hispanics in every conservative way, but he can also reach out to conservative republicans and anglo republicans are very comfortable with him. who is your biggest turkey
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coming or be a loser? but the castro brothers also from texas are stars. one is in congress and one is a mayor. >> joaquin castro, i loved your speech. [laughter] >> they are identical. >> i hope he reaches out to senator kreuz very quickly. simon rosenberg at the new democrat the network has been researching, studying coming and telling us about the growing hispanic vote for a long time and he predicted 335 electoral votes in florida comes in for president obama, i think simon is just about right. it sounded a little outlandish a few days ago.
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>> ann? appreciationlaise's for the book, "the victory laps ." when i was canvassing in virginia and i was maybe the fourth person going columbus list and i was asking whether people thought it would vote in the morning or the afternoon, i knew i was carrying and does what he recommended. you never heard me talk about women candidates and i'm so excited about the women were coming in. to be the senator from north dakota and she is a fabulous person. emily's list supports women for congress and it wahasa
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one loss record. if you compare how much they raised and spent with the success compared to some of the suepr pac's, they did a heck of a lot better job. >> who were the losers? >> the billionaires handing over all that money. >> they got shelly in nevada. >> that's unfortunate. >> they did not get what they thought they were be buying of. >> the biggest loser is carl rove -- karl rove. he would let them keep even more, a fairly bottom line decision. a lot of money was spent. ben bernanke was the second
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stimulus. the supreme court acted as the second stimulus, second only to the fed, because opening the door to that kind of private spending, the supreme court certainly did a lot for the economy. i look at their bottom line, it will be a disappointment. >> indiana and missouri are too easy, so i will go to minnesota. he ran the races with the chinese american actress on super bowl night. cake walk for stabenow. >> i would say joe biden. i think he's going to have a
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tough four years. i'll just leave it at that. on our side, i'd say that -- not continuing to learn. there was a lot of false security we had in our turn out operation. we stalled. i'd say that is a big loser. >> this has been a stimulating panel. we have a second panel that will start immediately. for those of you are c-span, thanks to ann lewis, eleanor clift, richard dunham, and
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blaise hazelwood. thank you all. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> robert autry and pete -- roger daltrey and pete townshend on childhood and young adult cancer. this will be mr. david cameron's third time talking at the banquet since becoming prime minister. if it is remarkable. 3:30 p.m. eastern tomorrow. later in georgetown, bono talking and as social movements like his project red campaign. covered at 6:00 p.m. eastern. about voterk
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demographics in this year's election as a part of the national journal's day after the election conference. from washington, this is 35 minutes. >> it if you wanted to study predicate to see how this is a change in american politics, you could not have done a better than last night which i think we will look back at a political but also social and cultural milestone when they look in the mirror and says we are a different place than we used to be. we have a terrific panel. we will look at the implications of this, the two parties, for our economy, and for the society, but i want to start with three numbers that seemed to encapsulate the elections. 80, 39, 28.
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barack obama 180% of the combined the the minority voters, which -- barack obama won 80% of the combined minority voters. mitt romney, in losing, have the best showing among white male voters. will delve into this from every possible angle, but let me start with you, dan. let's talk about your thoughts about the implications of these results, both for the republican and minority voters, but also as an incumbent democrat president struggled and cannot in the and get to 40 percent support among the white voters. >> i appreciate starting their because a spent a good amount of my time -- i think you for doing this panel and the participants. i started my work in politics focusing on reagan, democrats,
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and the role of race in weighing down the democratic party. it may well be that some of the issues readdress, if i had to list -- of the issues we address, if i had to list, the democratic party is the party that has won the most votes in every presidential election since 1992. we should probably asked whit and others to speculate on what the republicans to do to address that. but i do not want to leave it there because i don't think that is a big enough picture about what happened on the demographic and cultural side.
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but it is all related, i think. the problem becomes bigger if it is not just latinos and african-americans. we're dealing with 28% of the electorate. that surprised people. what that does this to say you can no longer use this rising trend, climate change, and say it is a difference so opinion. there are real consequences. if you get the polls wrong and the election wrong, you lose. the piece of it is very important. but the other pieces are unmarried women who are 23% of the electorate. a majority of americans love now live in unmarried households. -- americans now live in unmarried household. if you want to look at how the women's vote held up from 2008, go look at unmarried women. that is where it held up. they have a world view that focus on the economic side and
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the cultural side that conflicts with what was being offered by romney and the republican party. then you have young voters who are one in five voters. obama did surprisingly well and got a high turnout. then you have the group of educated women, all of which are growth segments. this is not just 28% less figure out that problem. they are all interrelated. there is a cultural side and a value side to this. and the difficult of addressing it has to do with the comfort level of diversity, a comfort level with immigration, how to do with the world, how to do with immigration and have to do with family and the role in society. there is a whole range of things that are part of that package. you will see a marriage equality initiatives passing in this election.
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>> quarter the lessons for each party from what we saw last night -- what are the lessons for each party from what we saw last night? >> the demographics are changing. this is the biggest change. the big headline is that it is 20% minority. what percent did you do have minority in your sample? i think that almost everyone -- there were some late polls that were picking up the hire enthusiasm among blacks and latinos and asians. but the 20% is the deadline and that is turning. -- but that 28% is the headline and that is trending. whatever share of the republicans need of minority those to be successful will continue to go up. or that 39% or 61% on whites
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will. there will have to set up and say how can we tap into the latino, the african-american vote and the asian-american good. the latino vote has gone the most attention. but i don't think the republican party can lead 98% -- can leave 90% of the black vote on the table. among all minority groups, there needs to be more out reach. leaving for the democrats and obama, it is not clear that this coalition is solid. obama brought people together. i think mitt romney made a couple of missteps that served
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to decrease which he could have done with minority voters. it is not clear what will happen with the demand -- with the democratic party when obama is gone in 2016. will there be a candidate who steps in and continues that enthusiasm with high record turnout rates? or, if you have a john kerry of the candidate, that did not perform well. >> you have news and worried all year but the implications of the republican party. -- you have mused and worried all year about the implications of the republican party. what are the implications of mitt romney and the republican party losing? >> the demographics that we have all discussed have been obvious for a long time. the proportion of whites in the national electorate of the last four presidential campaigns has
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gone 81%, 77%, 74%, 72%. this is not a secret. but sometimes, the of this does not become apparent until we have an election like this. but now the obvious is readily apparent to anyone, particularly in the republicans who don't have their heads in the sand. mitt romney did extremely well among whites, as you say. he won whites by a landslide and still lost the election. we not only lost hispanics by a larger proportion than john mccain, 71%-27%, we lost asians by 73% best -- 73%-27%. bob dole won asians. a lot of people don't remember that. we are in a position now where we have gone through differences in policy, differences in tone, and
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differences in candidates. reached out in a way that we have never -- reach out in a way that we have never reached that before we will not be successful as a national party. >> can you reach hispanic voters or the changing the stance on immigration? " no. -- >> no. immigration is not the most important issue for hispanics. the economy is the most important issue for hispanics. the town sets a tremendous -- the tone sends a tremendous message. the time has come for republicans to slap the catch on, break the habit or we will die. -- slapped the patch on, break the habit or we will die.
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>> can any of the openings be exploited while the party is where it is on immigration? >> no, there are other issues that matter. but this is a litmus test. this is a threshold issue. it is how you're talking about our community. it is how you're talking about families. as long as the republicans maintain voices within the party -- it is the worst when it is the nominee sing things. but when you have russell pearce, herman cain comments about the electorate, virgil --
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electric fence, virgil pack, the they should shoot kids from a helicopter -- these comments it picked up and reported like wildfire in the hispanic press and the hispanic media. that rhetoric and that tone makes it difficult to listen to your policies on other issues. just changing the tone would go a long way. >> with an effort to disenfranchise -- there will be a generational message. the republican party is perceived to not wanting these voters to have the right to vote. they have to deal with immigration and now they need to step back from the idea that,
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if these people the, we lose. therefore, we cannot win them over. so let's make it difficult for them to vote. >> let me just stick with the republicans for a minute. among the thinkers in the party, the view that the gop has to move and immigration in an accommodating way -- today, the gop is winning a pawn truths margins -- a preponderance of margins. among the white electorate that is uneasy. over 60% of seniors and over 60% of white-collar people voted for mitt romney. can you make these changes without alienating the voters have already there? >> yes, it is possible. it takes a very different there to do it. -- a very gifted leader to do
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it. it will take a republican who is without question a conservative, but who has a different tone on immigration and hispanic issues. i'm talking about some real life marco rubio or jeb bush. leaders liked -- i am talking about someone like marco rubio or jeb bush. leaders like that, it is possible with a different leader. >> central ways of understanding with the tea party is evolving. republicans in the republican coalition are many voters that are not comfortable. we asked if the growing number of newcomers is a good thing? it was put exactly in half. how much leeway do you think
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party leaders have to realign their position on these issues? their position on these issues?


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